breeding ethically since 2008
Colville, WA with branches in NC & TN
Raising healthy, happy, and social puppies is hard work. The amount of time we put into our dogs and their puppies is not even reflected in our prices. We spend countless hours educating ourselves with the most up-to-date information on breeding, whelping, and raising our goldendoodles, in addition to the endless clean up hours. Did I mention that raising quality puppies is hard work?
There are back-yard breeders and puppy mills that will produce the same "type"of dog as ours, for a significantly less cost to you. Just keep in mind that a puppy that you receive from a this type of breeder, will keep them in business and will contribute to the degradation of the goldendoodle's overall health. They are inbreeding, not testing for inheritable diseases, and keeping puppies and adults in deplorable conditions. Because of these unethical breeding practices, many groomers and vet techs are disgusted with the goldendoodle hybrid. They see uneducated owners and poor quality dogs. Sadly a breeder that sells their puppies at rock bottom prices have adult dogs suffering a miserable life as they continue to produce puppies until well over their retirement age. Many spend their entire life living in filthy cages. This breeder will NEVER take a puppy back and could care less if you dump their ill-bred dogs off at the local pound of kill shelter.
We are not your average breeder. We have worked hard to get blue ribbon certified with the most elite goldendoodle registration group, G.A.N.A. Our puppies will have Puppy Culture early neurological stimulation, critical socialization, and desensitization training sessions. We temperament test our puppies at 49 days old using much of the Volhard Puppy Aptitude Test as well as some testing from Avidog.
We have a solid 2 year health guarantee that we will extend to 4 years with the continual use of NuVet. We offer continual support throughout your dog's life and we have a return policy in our contract. If for any reason, you cannot keep your beloved goldendoodle, we readily and willingly will be glad to welcome one of ours back. This return policy does not mean we will refund you, but it does mean if you cannot take care of one of our dogs, we are here as a safe place for your goldendoodle. Life happens and since we brought a life into this world, we are here for him/her for his/her lifetime.
All our puppies are dewormed at 2, 4, and 6 weeks of age. We also inoculate our puppies at 7 weeks of age against Canine Distemper, Adenovirus, Hepatitis, Parvovirus, and Parainfluenza. They are also microchipped at that time. At 7.5 weeks of age and just before they are sent home, we have our puppies examined by our vet and a fecal float is conducted. If we have puppies that stay with us during extended stay, we will inoculate again at 11 weeks old. We believe it is ultimately our responsibility to care for any life we bring into this world until they are sent home with their forever families. This being said, we continue to care for any puppy that remains with us at the appropriate age to keep them in good health.
F1B $2,800
Joining the TFG Family, Meeting, and Selecting Your Puppy
Deposits are $500 and are only accepted after your application is approved. The remaining balance is due on puppy pick up day or delivery day. We accept Cash (preferred), Zelle, or a cashier's check made out to Timberland Falls Goldendoodles for final payment. (NO PERSONAL CHECKS FOR FINAL PAYMENT) Also, for a 3% service fee we will accept PayPal unless you know how to use friends and family.
Deposits are accepted in good faith. The breeder is promising to hold a spot on the waiting list for a future puppy, and the buyer is promising to keep their part of the agreement and pay for a puppy. We’re one of the FEW breeders who offers a refundable deposit (minus an 8% time cost fee, your refund would equal $ 460.00). If you are specific in gender, and color and you have placed a deposit on a litter prior to puppy selection and we do not have a puppy of your specific choice when it is your selection time, you can elect to be placed at the top of then next waiting list or receive a refund (minus an 30% time cost fee, your refund would equal $ 350.00). Your application must indicate that we do not have what you were seeking. Unfortunately we will not take your word for it, this is why an application must be submitted and accepted prior to placing a deposit. We want you to get a dog that is the best fit for your family, and we recognize that it may well be through a Humane Society or another breeder. We understand that your plans may change after you’ve placed a deposit. So we’re happy to refund a deposit at any time for any reason (with the noted stipulations) .
You must inform us of this decision to postpone or fall off the litter's waiting list before the puppy is four weeks old in order to make the puppy available for other families. If you neglect to inform us prior to the puppy turning four weeks of age, your deposit will become non-refundable.
*Please be aware that the price of our puppies may change in future litters.